Sunday School Material If you're a Sunday School teacher seeking new and fresh material for lessons, I'd like to suggest three of my books for that very purpose. I'll discuss each one below. Book one would be good for a variety of ages whereas books two and three would be perfect for children ages 4 to 8. 1. Imaginative Bible Meditations: Strengthening Family Devotions with Creativity. This book is geared towards families but could easily be adapted for Sunday School classes. Readers are taught that one of the meanings of biblical meditation is imagination and shown various ways to imagine the Bible. One example is comparing natural things like fairy tales and children's stories with biblical truths. Another is to "interview biblical characters" and so on. There are 10 chapters which could easily translate to 10 lessons. If you're looking for a way to spark creativity in your students, this book is worth checking out. The description reads as follows: I...
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